Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crater Lake at dusk from the lodge

Had a grand day of climbing up to the crater and going 3/4 around, down to the pinnacles (like the hoodoos in Bryce canyon but ghostly gray). Rather than climb up again for 6 miles, we took a lift up and cycled our last 10 miles to the night's lodging at Mazama, this is where we had dinner at the lodge. There have been meteor showers for the last 2 nights but no one has seem them as we've been too tired to get up at midnight.

--K of Kobag


SharonT said...

Wow this is really beautiful! Wish I were there - even riding in the van would have been fun. Enjoy the rest of the trip!

buzzy3 said...

I'm just green with envy...that view of the lake is just spectacular...and I'm glad everyone had a nice ride around the rim....